The MBM Network Spotlight




Written by Alison “MetalBabe” Cohen

‘Nothin’ But The Truth’ with Lesli Sanders of Prophets of Addiction

Written by Alison “MetalBabe” Cohen


Prophets of Addiction (POA) released their first acoustic album ‘Nothin’ But The Truth’ on October 26, 2018 via HighVol Music. They have been knocking out videos left and right for the album, including the forth and most recent video, “Babylon Boulevard.” After being friend and fan of Lesli Sanders since we first met almost two decades ago (when he was in City Girls’ Boys) it was a pleasure to have a chance to dig a little deeper into his past, present, and future.  

Prior to Prophets of Addiction, Lesli Sanders performed with Pretty Boy Floyd, City Girls’ Boys, Queeny Blast Pop, and was a touring bassist with both Marky Ramone (Ramones) and Phil Lewis (LA Guns).

Alison “MetalBabe” Cohen: It’s great to be doing an official interview Lesli! Being a long-time friend and supporter, I am really happy we are doing this!

Lesli Sanders: Thanks for having me. I appreciate it, as well as all of your help and support in the past.

Metal Babe: You are welcome. You have such a unique and recognizable voice… Who are your main influences as a singer?

Lesli Sanders: I've always been intrigued by uniqueness, phrasing, and lyrics that have something to say and invite the listener to draw their own conclusions. I do know none of my favorites would make it anywhere close to appearing on the generic corporate shows like American Idol.  I can't necessarily say influenced by, since I could never be so unique, but people like Michael Monroe, Tom Petty, Joey Ramone, Tyla Pallas, and Stiv Bators come to mind for sure.

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